Business Tech

mobile phones

Adopting Tech for Businesses to Survive the Pandemic

Small businesses are gradually recovering from the initial effects of the pandemic that affected many industries around the world. At this point, the use of technology was highlighted as businesses turned to it to allow them to recover. It also allowed them to connect with their customers who started to flock online for their daily

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small business owner

Cloud Servers and Why Your Business Needs Them

In keeping a business operating at ideal levels, it’s important to keep a keen eye on how we produce, access, and store data. Data is integral in keeping operations running smoothly. It’s impossible to fathom a business that doesn’t require quality data management. During the first few months of your business, it’s more cost-beneficial to

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The Biggest Cybersecurity Challenges of Australia’s Healthcare System

In 2019, some hospitals in Victoria under the South West Alliance of Rural Health and Gippsland Health Alliance couldn’t access their regional network because of a ransomware attack. Because of it, these healthcare facilities needed to delay the majority of their services except for emergency care. But this is not an isolated case. By 2020,

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social media apps on a phone

How to Protect Your Business Against Social Media Lawsuits

Social media is an incredibly effective tool for digital marketing. In fact, it is one of the key drivers in a business’ success, regardless if that business is done primarily online or not. However, social media can also be a risky place for businesses. Even if the Internet is basically a digital jungle where people

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Getting Your AirBnB and Rentals on the Digital Marketplace

If you list rental properties and your current marketing strategy is going well, now’s the time to take a leap and grow your vacation rental business even further. Investing in a bit of time and money onto your portal and rental properties can boost your marketing strategy — ultimately helping you reach more guests. But

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business tech

Five Tech Products That are Transforming the Food Processing Business

Technological breakthroughs can either be good or bad, safe, or dangerous. Additionally, innovations in the world of tech do not stay there, but instead spread out and begin to influence how a wide range of industries and disciplines behave and advance on their own. For one, smart technology is now widely used in creating cars

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laptop, tablet and smart phone

6 Must-have Digital Devices for Modern Living

Recently, technology has taken up a better part of most people’s lives. When strategically used to match people’s demands, technology may result in an improved quality of life. Most households are packed with devices and gadgets from laptops and smart televisions to phones that enhance people’s lives. But what gadgets do you really need? The

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Being productive

How to Ensure Productivity in a Work-from-Home Setup

As we slowly adapt to the new normal life conditions due to the coronavirus outbreak, more people are finding themselves doing remote work from the comfort of their homes. Several companies have been forced to switch to a work from home setting as governments implement quarantine measures and community lockdowns to prevent the spread of

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Techie Techniques: Increasing Office Productivity

Productivity is a word that gets thrown around a lot when it comes to work-related concerns. You can say that productivity and efficiency are almost the same since both concepts try to get the best output available from a specific input. In simpler terms, productivity can be measured by getting the best possible results in

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Sales person

Does Appearance Matter as a Salesperson? Here’s How to Attract Buyers

In the world of sales, a common belief exists that one has to be attractive to persuade prospective buyers. People think that the physical appearance of a salesperson impacts their likelihood of succeeding. And as consumers, we may unconsciously be drawn to a lovely sales staff, too, especially if it’s a cosmetic product we’re looking

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