Business Practices

storage concept

Storage Solutions When Your Business is Running Out of Space

A cramped and disorganized business usually stems from a lack of storage space. This is especially true for small businesses that have a moderate amount of stuff but not nearly enough space to store it. If this is the case for you, hold off throwing out half of your stuff just yet. Take a look

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pizza delivery wearing facemask

Making Your Customers Loyal and Happy During the Pandemic

The business industry is only one of the many industries that were negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to CNCB, about 60% of small and medium business closures are permanent due to the COVID-19. Customers are imperative in a business. Without them, the business would cease to exist, just like how the other businesses closed

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Essential Factors to Consider Before Starting a Company

First-time business owners are always excited about the idea of owning a company. As a result, they tend to skip essential steps, which can lead to future struggles. If you want to start a business, you should know what you need to start and grow your business. Here are things to consider before starting a

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team meeting

Employee Well-Being: How to Make Employees Feel Valued

Workplace well-being programs have become more popular than ever. They started as mere employee perks for corporates, but today, these are becoming more common among businesses of all sizes. When done right, well-being programs offer employees incentives, social support, privacy, and different strategies to develop and maintain healthy behaviours. Worksites worldwide are incorporating employee well-being

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restaurant owner

The Risks in Business You Face During a Pandemic

Experts will be debating about what should have been done during the height of the coronavirus outbreak for years to come. Would it be better if businesses stayed open? Maybe they would’ve survived if they cut more jobs? How about if they borrowed money from the banks or demanded more from the government regarding the

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business team

How to Start Practicing Real Meritocracy in Business

Young employees often enter the workplace with the idea that progression will be linear. It might not be easy, but there’s a clear path to advancement and achieving your career goals. As long as you put your head down and work hard, you’ll get there. This notion has its roots in the concept of meritocracy.

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positive professional working

Keeping Your Workers Motivated Even from Home

Engaging with and motivating your employees is challenging. Over time, employees can feel uninspired and demotivated for various reasons, from personal to professional. The reasons and situations can be so varied that managers need to maintain an open mind when dealing with their employees. The pandemic has thrown many businesses in a state of uncertainty.

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Legal Issues Small Business Owners Should Be Careful Of

Since March, more than 500,000 applications for employee identification numbers have been submitted. Many people are still pursuing their dreams of opening a small business despite the economic crisis brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Opening a business takes a lot of planning. This involves identifying the goals of the business, the products and/or services it

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business partnerships

When Business Partnerships Go Wrong: Which Conflicts May Arise

Are two heads really better than one? Partnering with another entrepreneur to run a business can be tricky. There are benefits to it like pooled resources, two skill sets, and two people brainstorming to come up with strategies and solutions. However, no two people agree all the time. No matter how peaceful the partnership may

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happy employees

Striving for Balance Between Remote Work and the Traditional Office

Many companies and employees have celebrated the rise of remote work as one of the few positive effects to emerge from the pandemic. It has allowed people to keep their jobs while enabling continued productivity for organizations. Skeptics have been proven wrong as tasks get accomplished, often with increased productivity. Yet evidence also shows that

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