Making Your Customers Loyal and Happy During the Pandemic

pizza delivery wearing facemask

The business industry is only one of the many industries that were negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to CNCB, about 60% of small and medium business closures are permanent due to the COVID-19.

Customers are imperative in a business. Without them, the business would cease to exist, just like how the other businesses closed down. Their satisfaction should always be considered. So if you managed to keep your business open until now, here are some key points that you can do to make your customers happy and loyal during this pandemic.

Prioritize their safety

Since we are dealing with a health crisis, your customers might have second thoughts, especially if your business requires a trip to the physical store. To make your customers feel safe on your premises, you should follow proper health protocols.

Always wear your masks, maintain social distancing, and provide alcohol-based sanitizers for everyone. This way, you can make sure that the spreading of the virus will be lessened. Your customers will feel that you value their safety and not just about the business.

Onboarding process

Having a new client onboarding system will educate your customers more about what your products can offer. It’s the process of answering their questions and addressing their concerns about the product. This is also the time to be transparent with your customers and inform them about the terms and conditions that may apply.

Aside from this, it will also help in building a trusting relationship between you and your customer. They will keep coming back to you and might even become advocates and recommend your product and services to other people. Right now, it would be safer if the onboarding process will be done digitally to minimize exposure.

Give your customers freebies or discounts

Who doesn’t love freebies and discounts? Aside from making your loyal customers happy, offering discounts can potentially draw new customers to your business. It doesn’t just help your business but your customers as well.

Especially now that people are trying to save money to allocate to their emergency funds. This will also help clean out your store and make room for new products and help you meet your sales quota.

delivery wearing facemask

Ask your customers

You can never go wrong with this one. You can consider doing a survey and ask for their suggestions. Being informed about what your customers prefer will give you ideas about the trends and allow you to implement decisions that are backed up by data. 50% or a higher survey response should suffice.

You will also get to know your audience more and create new ideas based on their needs and wants. This is very helpful, especially with businesses that are just starting up. It will let your customers know that what they think matters to you.

Running a business during a pandemic can be very difficult. It’s also important to know that your customers might also be having a hard time. However, having an open mind and healthy communication with them will benefit both of you. Being self-aware and acknowledging that there’s always room for improvement is one of the keys to making your business a success.

The Author


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