Business Practices

businessmen shaking hands

Why You Shouldn’t Settle for Cheap Vendors for Your Business

Small businesses always seek ways to reduce their costs without compromising their offers. As such, they tend to select the vendors with the lowest wholesale prices. And understandably so; the lower the bulk prices, the more products a small business can order. In turn, the business can offer their finished products for the cheapest price

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retail store

Your Store is Losing Money to Theft: Here are Ways to Prevent It

Businesses are targets of individuals and groups with malicious intent. Now that a lot of transactions happen online, cybercriminals have been using various strategies to gain access to information and finances. One estimate found that small businesses lose an average of $ 0,000 to cybercrimes every year. However, the more traditional forms of theft are still

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How Businesses Can Avoid Safety-Related Lawsuits

Safety-related lawsuits are some of the most common reasons for employee-initiated litigation. Since employers are legally mandated to provide a safe and healthy working environment for everyone, failing to do so can easily lead to a court case, especially if the lack of safety measures and features has resulted in bodily harm. Needless to say,

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Digital Marketing Trends You Can Adopt for Your Small Business

Small businesses need every boost they can get. After all, a start-up company won’t do well if it’s picky with the opportunities it should take advantage of. Fortunately, the world today facilitates an empowering environment when it comes to small businesses. Never before has it been easier to start your own business; you no longer

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data security

Five Data Security Tips for Every Business Owner

Data breaches are undeniably one of the top news stories in the world. Highly valuable for companies and organizations, data at risk can lead to expensive and serious consequences that can ruin the entire business. The concerning increase in cyberattacks is generally the result of weak or failed security measures. Among the damaging threats that a data

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Business and Finance: Creating the Right Startup Budget

Most business owners believe that creating a budget is limited to identify where to get money for next month’s expenses or payroll. In reality, this powerful financial tool can eventually help you in achieving your company’s short-term and long-term goals. In the startup phase, it’s important to figure out how you can establish the right

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video conference

Useful Features for a Video Conference Meeting

Working from home offers many benefits for employees since they do not need to travel from their home to the workplace and vice versa every day. They also save a lot of money since they do not need to spend a lot for lunch and an occasional dinner with colleagues. Additionally, working from home also reduces greenhouse

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business owner

The Weaknesses You Have to Accept as a New Entrepreneur

Ambitious, brave, open-minded, and passionate are only some of the many positive descriptions of a new entrepreneur. When you decide to pursue a venture by yourself, there will be no shortage of supporters among your friends, families, and colleagues. Their words of encouragement will give you the confidence and motivation you need to start your

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digital marketing

Digital Marketing Strategies for Tech Companies

As a tech company, it makes more sense to use the web for marketing your offerings instead of relying on traditional marketing methods. Embracing digital marketing is an excellent way to promote your products and services and reach out to more people who can be your potential customers. But as technology advances each year, marketing strategies also

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