How to Start a Patios And Driveways Business?


With the right equipment, skillsets, and planning, you can be a significant success with driveways and patios. You will come across multiple firms offering such services in the market today. Do a bit of research, and you will find that this niche extends to all kinds of exterior surfaces and their maintenance, cleanliness, and repairs, as well. So, that is quite a handful.

Many people also buy ready businesses today. There are various perks that you can enjoy in this process. Additionally, you get a ready customer base, supplies, staff, and equipment. However, it can weigh you down a bit regarding the finances. In that case, you can start your own from scratch. Needless to say, you need to be updated about the market conditions, demands, and job life cycles.

Read about the most important aspects here to make it a success from Day One.


Try Contractual and Sub-Contractual Jobs

You can initially tie up with other businesses if you are starting afresh on your own. Leave your contacts with local building contractors, real estate builders, and landscape designers. Many large firms also need sub-contractors from time to time. You have to present yourself in front of the right customers. They can either be your B2B customers or B2C. Some of you may also approach the local municipality. Every municipality has a list of ‘approved contractors’ for various local jobs.

You can expect to get a call soon after enlisting with them. Working with more experienced firms, in the beginning, can give you a lot of exposure. Additionally, large firms may be wary of working with newcomers. So, you can create a portfolio of your own whilst working with more experienced contractors and get the market to know of your abilities. You can also get the necessary and up-to-date information about licensing and tendering.

Decide On Services and Supplies

Since there’s a whole list of services under this niche, you can choose to get involved in a range of ground and paving services. Laying blocks, slabs, and cobbles of various shapes and sizes also comes in the purview of this job. Moreover, you should also tie up with suppliers that provide concrete resurfacing products. They are used in abundance in laying various external covers outdoors in driveways and patios. Some of the most common supplies under this genre, apart from the above, are gravel, asphalt, and resin-bound aggregates.

Many contractors are also into timber surveys for large houses, mansions, and commercial establishments. You may also be required to lend a hand in laying out decks in various recreational areas. Maintenance of existing structures also requires expertise and the right equipment. You will be required to work in multiple locations, driveways, patios, car parks, and pool areas. Home improvement and renovation are also a part of the niche. You can also avail yourself of training from the manufacturers to excel in your task.

Decide on Pricing

You also need to decide how you will charge your customers. Most professionals in this field charge hourly, and they even add the material cost. Some even set based on the area size. The types of supplies been used also impact the pricing. You might also consider levying additional charges for excavation or just engaging in the laying job only. Many large organizations often ask such professionals to give a comprehensive and package rate. If you are submitting tenders, you have to offer very competitive rates.

You must charge your services very cautiously. Otherwise, you might lose your customers. Do keep in mind what others are charging for similar jobs in the locality where you will work. Likewise, you can also get your competitors customers with low-rate offerings. Be sure to set a rate before you start working. This will help you to avoid complications later on.

Turn Inquiries into Sales

You must aggressively promote your patios and driveways business in today’s competitive market. Having a website of your own also helps. Most local companies give free advertisements in local directories. You can try it out as well. Some firms also use telecalling or cold calling strategies. Additionally, you can also do roadshows to promote your patios and driveways business.

Click the best pictures and showcase them while you drive past localities and business establishments. Do remember to display your phone number and website address in bold on the hoardings. This is how you will be able to get prospects interested. Word of mouth publicity also plays a massive role in this business. Referrals can make your business an instant success. So, maintain quality in whatever you do.

These are just a few facets of the driveways and patios business. You can generate more ideas by studying the surroundings. It will surely be a profitable venture for you.

The Author


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