Community Engagement

woman working on her laptop

Things You Should Never Do to Be a Successful Remote Worker

Are you seriously planning to take on a remote job? Whether you are planning to do this full-time or not, there are things you should avoid doing to increase your chances of success. You may already know that working from home is not easy. But you can never really tell the struggles of remote workers

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lawn mower

Green and Healthy: How You Can Have a Well-Kept Lawn

Having a green and healthy lawn is one of the greatest achievements that most homeowners can accomplish. A green and well-kept lawn does not only add more beauty to your house, but it also gives you a sense of achievement. It makes your home look clean and organized. Lawn & landscape maintenance is one of the hardest

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Move On After a Divorce

How to Move On After a Divorce

Realistically speaking, not all marriages have a happy ending. Sometimes, no matter how hard you and your partner try, some things can’t be worked out. There are cases wherein getting a divorce is healthier than staying together. But divorce is not always a bad thing. Staying in an unhealthy relationship will wreak havoc to both

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