Business Practices

business partnerships

When Business Partnerships Go Wrong: Which Conflicts May Arise

Are two heads really better than one? Partnering with another entrepreneur to run a business can be tricky. There are benefits to it like pooled resources, two skill sets, and two people brainstorming to come up with strategies and solutions. However, no two people agree all the time. No matter how peaceful the partnership may

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happy employees

Striving for Balance Between Remote Work and the Traditional Office

Many companies and employees have celebrated the rise of remote work as one of the few positive effects to emerge from the pandemic. It has allowed people to keep their jobs while enabling continued productivity for organizations. Skeptics have been proven wrong as tasks get accomplished, often with increased productivity. Yet evidence also shows that

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business owner in a call

The Effects of COVID-19 on Inventory Management

Inventory management is the process of acquiring, storing, and consuming a company’s inventory. This process includes the operation of raw materials, components, and finished products. The warehousing and processing of such items are also included. How does inventory management work? A company’s inventory is precious to its business. In many inventory-intensive industries, finished or completed products

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workplace safety concept

Addressing Workplace Accidents: What Should You Do?

A workplace accident can cost your company a significant amount of time and resources such as medical bills, lost productivity, and employee morale. Workplace accidents cannot be 100% avoided all the time because you cannot 100% control unforeseen events, especially if your company handles dangerous jobs such as construction and production. However, just because accidents

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preparing a meal

Up for Business: Preserving Food the Healthy Way

In the first few months of the pandemic, when people were uncertain how long the situation would last, people flocked to groceries and hoarded canned food. People have gotten used to industrially processed foods to prepare for emergencies. However, there are healthier alternatives to make food last longer. Back when there were no refrigerators, coolers,

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woman working from home

Remote Work 2.0: Improving Your Remote Working Operations

Remote work is the new normal nowadays as we deal with the pandemic. Even your kid’s piano lessons are being done over the internet. While you may think that your remote work setup is fine, the truth is that a lot of remote workers are not getting the most from their situations. For example, they might have

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Business Basics

Business Basics in the Future Norm

The world-changing events that happened this year posed new challenges to opening a business. It had achieved what years of business analyses had failed to predict and even avert. For one, the pandemic showed that large physical offices are not necessary for a business to operate efficiently. Second, it highlighted a lot of commodities that

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marketing plan

Four Technologies that Can Help Your Small Business Thrive

According to the Chamber of Commerce, did you know that as of 2018, over 30.2 million small businesses are operating in the United States? Only 80% of these small businesses survive during their first year. By the time they reach the end of their second year, only 70% of these businesses survive. The number continues to

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Re-engagement Techniques

5 Customer Re-engagement Techniques for Reopening Your Business

It’s not a stretch to say that the coronavirus pandemic drastically changed the business landscape and these changes will persist for a long time. Some of the things that have changed are the way you market your goods and services as well as how to engage customers with your business. With the pandemic instilling the

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