The Productivity Challenge: Things That Curb Productivity in Remote Workers


Are you planning to switch to remote work? Or maybe you already started working remotely as part of your company’s attempt to keep their employees safe? You may be excited at first knowing you can now spend more time at home instead of increasing your risk of exposure by working outdoors. But what many remote workers fail to realize is that it can be hard to stay productive when you work from the comforts of your home.

Different factors can hamper a remote worker’s productivity levels. If you feel like you haven’t been as productive as you were before, you may have the following problems.

You’re Using the Wrong Equipment

Without technology, remote work won’t be possible. The only reason why companies can now hire remote workers and allow some of their employees to start working remotely is due to the abundance of technologies that make working online possible. But simply choosing any equipment can hurt a remote worker’s productivity levels. A slow computer can stop you from finishing your work on time. The same goes for using the wrong tools and software.

Most companies provide their employees with corporate equipment that will be used strictly for work. They invest in different tools and software to make sure their staff will have little-to-no issues at all. But if you are a freelancer looking for remote work, you will mostly cover for your own equipment. Rarely will companies pay for your own computer, printer, or any equipment you may need to accomplish your tasks.

If you are to buy your own equipment, make sure you only buy from trusted sellers. Take time to weigh in your options and consider the tasks you will be tackling. For instance, you’re eyeing Dell products to help you with your remote work. If you are clueless when it comes to computer specs, don’t hesitate to ask. But if you want to boost your productivity, you will want a fast and powerful computer with more Random Access Memory or RAM and a bigger hard drive.

You Have Failed to Create Boundaries Between Work and Personal Life

guy checking computer

Working remotely saves you from any distractions in an ordinary office setting. This includes your loud colleagues, your micromanaging boss, co-workers dropping by, frequent meetings, and even office gossip. But then, some distractions can stop you from focusing your attention on your work back home. Noisy neighbors, your pet dog, your family members constantly calling your attention, and kids, if you have any, can stop you from finishing and concentrating on your work.

Failure to put boundaries between work and personal life can cause you to slack off, be less productive, and even miss deadlines. You can find yourself working longer hours but not actually finishing anything. What you need is to start setting boundaries between any distractions you can have back home.

For best results, find yourself a corner that will be your dedicated workstation. Remove anything that can take your mind off of work, including gadgets you don’t need to finish your tasks. Avoid working inside the bedroom so you won’t be tempted to sleep while working.

Talk to your family members and let them know why you need their cooperation in avoiding interruptions. Tell them about your work schedule and ask them to avoid talking to you during working hours. If you have pets or younger kids and you work during the day, find someone who can look after them while you work. Train kids to be self-sufficient and prepare whatever they may need during the day, so they don’t need to disturb you just to ask if they can eat cookies for snack time.

You’re Not Getting Enough Breaks

In an office setting, it is easier to take breaks. When you’re working remotely, you might be tempted to skip breaks in an attempt to finish everything on time. but did you know that employees are actually given break times not simply to avoid them from being stressed, but to boost productivity as well?

Failure to take enough breaks stops your brain from physically separating your brain from work. Your brain needs to rest from your stressful work so you can better focus and concentrate. Unproductive breaks don’t count as these won’t do you any good either.

Take productive breaks by doing something different like standing up, stretching your tired muscles, and walking around for a bit. Eat a healthy snack and keep yourself hydrated. Do activities that make you laugh, like playing a bit with your pet or kids or watch a funny video. Play your favorite tune, sing, or let your mind roam by daydreaming.

Studies show remote workers are more productive than regular office workers. But still depends on how one tackles remote work. If you want to be productive in your job, make sure you have the right equipment, set boundaries, and don’t take your breaks for granted.

The Author


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