Business Practices

digital marketing

Understanding Digital Marketing During a Pandemic

When the pandemic started around a year ago, businesses that didn’t have an online presence quickly set up a website and social media pages. While this was a good move on their part, the companies still faced the daunting task of competing against competitors that already had years of online presence under their belt. Even though

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laptop, tablet and smart phone

6 Tech Tools Every Entrepreneur Should Have

The business realm is among the hardest-hit industries by COVID-19’s effects, with more than 100,000 US businesses already closed down, many for good. But, such a grim cautionary tale should not deter entrepreneurs from taking some risks, given how critical products and services are to maintain a sense of normalcy in today’s pandemic situation. One

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man opening food truck business

Different Ideas to Consider When Going into Business

Setting your own deadlines, not having to answer to anyone except for yourself, and having your own space to think up ideas to make progress better sounds like such a dream. To a person tied to a corporate job to make ends meet, being the spearhead of a company doesn’t seem feasible even if the

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business meeting

Best Practices for Managing a Family Business

Data shows that 70 percent of family businesses end their triumphant run even before the second generation assumes control over the enterprise. That is an unfortunate and overwhelming figure, especially if you are managing a family business yourself. That number is even worse to hear if you plan to turn your business venture into a personal legacy

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Classifying Between Independent Contractors and Employees

Ideally, businesses have an employment law attorney on a retainer basis. Remember that laws govern the operation of a business, and if you fail to comply with these regulations, you are susceptible to facing legal charges. Should that happen, you need an expert to offer you guidance throughout the process. One way businesses get in trouble, with

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mobile phones

Adopting Tech for Businesses to Survive the Pandemic

Small businesses are gradually recovering from the initial effects of the pandemic that affected many industries around the world. At this point, the use of technology was highlighted as businesses turned to it to allow them to recover. It also allowed them to connect with their customers who started to flock online for their daily

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business team

5 Uncommon Employee Benefits that Make Them Productive

Is there a general unhappy mood in your office right now that has nothing to do with the pandemic raging chaos in our lives? People find it hard to focus on their work when stressed, unhappy, pressured, and agitated. A lot of factors go into job satisfaction. Employers often have difficulty finding the right mix of

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