Making Commercial Improvements: 7 Ways to Save Money and Energy Next Winter


Now that winter is almost over; you’ll have plenty of time to think about how you can save money and energy next winter. Commercial businesses can save money and energy next winter by making simple improvements before the cold weather hits.

If you’ve experienced problems during this winter, you could use those as starting points to plan your commercial improvements for next winter. For example, a business that suffered from a power outage due to a bad storm could hire an electrical contractor to ensure the company has an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) for next winter.


Here are seven ways to get your business ready for winter while saving on energy costs:

1. Insulate hot water pipes to reduce heat loss

When hot water is piped through a building, it will gradually cool to room temperature as it travels down the pipe. As a result, much of the hot water used never actually becomes warm. Insulating exposed pipes with insulation sleeves can reduce heat loss by up to 20 percent and help reduce your energy bills.

This makes it easier to maintain a safe temperature for hot water to help avoid scalding accidents. Also, insulated pipes may last longer because they don’t require as much energy to maintain their temperature.

2. Weather-strip windows and doors to prevent drafts

Caulking door and window frames are a simple way to stop drafts from entering your building. Not only can this make it more comfortable for you and your customers, but it will also prevent heat from escaping through these openings in the winter.

You could also install door gaskets to prevent drafts from coming in through doorways. This can help keep your building up to 10 degrees warmer and cut down on the heating costs that you incur each month.

3. Implement better shutdown procedures for equipment

When you leave your building at night or on the weekends, make sure to shut down all equipment. It’s simple enough just to unplug electronics and turn off lights. This will help avoid having appliances left running with no one around to monitor their use.

This is even more important if you’re shutting down for winter since you’ll be emptying the building for a long time. This can save you money because you can ensure that your machines and lights aren’t accidentally left on and drain energy.

4. Cover your roof with thermal insulation

Installing a layer of thermal insulation on your roof can help reduce heat loss during the winter months. With such insulation, you don’t have to rely as much on heating systems or alternative methods of keeping warm that could cost you money.

Since you still have plenty of time before winter rolls around again, you can work with a roofing contractor to come up with a suitable plan for insulation. You could even hire insulation contractors to install the insulation on your roof.

5. Replace inefficient lighting with LEDs

The light that most businesses rely on is probably not as energy-efficient as it can be. Replacing your lighting with LED bulbs is an easy upgrade that will help you save money and energy next winter.

LED lighting is more energy-efficient than traditional lights, so you’ll have to spend less money powering them up. They are also more durable and last longer than other types of lights, which means you won’t have to replace them as often.

6. Install programmable thermostats to reduce heating costs

Programmable thermostats are an easy way to save on your monthly energy bills by allowing you to control your heating system. These are usually fitted with sensors that will tell the thermostat when you’re away from your business and in which areas of the building people tend to be.

As a result, the thermostat will automatically switch to a low setting or turn off your heating system entirely. You can reduce heating costs by 5 to 15 percent each year by doing this.

7. Plan ahead for emergencies

In case of emergency, you’ll want to have a backup plan for providing heat in your business. If necessary, heat can be supplied by gas-powered generators, wood stoves, and even electric heaters. You should never allow the gas line to your business to freeze, so you’ll need to take care of that before the winter months.

You should also stock up on fuel if your gas line freezes, and you’ll need to consider alternative heating methods for times when your gas line fails. This is also an excellent time to talk with your employees about emergency procedures and heat shutdown strategies, as well as any necessary clothing they may need to have in the event of a shutdown.

A commercial business can save money and energy next winter by making simple improvements before the cold weather hits. You don’t have to break the bank or hire expensive contractors to implement these changes. If you take the time to plan out some smart upgrades, you can improve your business while also saving money and energy.

The Author


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