The Three Types of Customers You Should Care About

food business

Customers are the most important assets of any business. No matter what industry you’re in, the success of your business lies with the customers. It’s not surprising why many companies are investing in customer service training and resources to provide a quality customer experience and meet their specific needs.

One example is the IP PBX System that serves as a dedicated telephone network for customer support, internal communications, and partner collaboration. This tool ensures exceptional call quality to deliver better customer service.

Generally, customer service agents handle hundreds of customers every week. This task is pretty exhausting and challenging since every inquiry involves unique challenges. It becomes even more difficult when handling customers with unique personalities. Thus, customer service agents should know how to handle each customer and create strategies to maintain meaningful interactions.

A smart customer service approach is all about identifying the different customer behaviors and personalities and knowing how to deal with them effectively. In this regard, we’ll cite the three common types of customers and provide insights into making meaningful interactions with them.

Customers who stay connected

These types of customers are those that value experiences most, making them the most likely to establish an emotional connection with the brand. Once you successfully meet their expectations, these customers will certainly remain loyal to your business.

These customers will go to extremes to visit a business or buy from their favorite brand. They’re willing to spend more to express their brand loyalty. They prefer a brand that understands their needs and can connect to them meaningfully. For instance, businesses that go out of their way to memorize their name, keep their favorite products in stock and make their visits more special and personal.

Starbucks is a great example that knows how to connect with customers and provide a more personalized experience. They create their own language and coffee blends to allow customers to create their own customized drinks and baristas call them by their name once the order is ready. They also offer a tailored experience through their mobile application by offering personalized promotions and recommendations.

Aside from visiting frequently, these customers have a habit of referring your business to their family and friends all because of a great customer experience. They make a great word-of-mouth marketing tool since referrals have a higher chance to encourage people to buy at a brand referred by someone they know.

Customers who value price


These types of customers are very cost-conscious. They always look for budget-friendly options to save more money. So if you often provide discounts and your prices cheaper than other competitors, you’ll gain a quick following with these customers. The secret lies in offering better deals, discounts, and cheaper prices.

Although marketing to this customer benefits your customer acquisition, there’s no guarantee if they will remain loyal to your brand. Once the discount or promo period ends or if there are future changes in the pricing of your services or product, these customers will likely switch to a different brand.

One disadvantage of offering discounts and cheaper prices is it lessens the value of the product or service you offer. For instance, a server may view a customer as someone who cannot provide a bigger tip because of their cheap purchase. This can affect the quality of customer service, which should be critical to your business.

Customers who value convenience

These types of customers value convenience, quality, and service more than anything else and are willing to pay more to have these things. The only catch is these customers tend to have skyrocketing expectations. Once they encounter a bad customer experience with a business, they will not hesitate to leave in an instant.

According to global consulting company Capgemini, eight out of 10 customers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience. Marketing your brand to these customers can be particularly tricky, not unless you’re confident about the ability of your business to offer a compelling customer experience.

The key to satisfying this customer is to provide excellent service. Once you turn them into loyal customers, they can offer over 10 times the original purchase. So instead of focusing on offering discounts to potential customers, devote your energy to engaging, attracting, and retaining these high-value customers. If your business has a comprehensive customer service plan with flawless execution, rest assured this customer will visit your business more frequently.

Every customer differs on many levels, depending on their attitude, type of problem, and relationship with the brand. Knowing their personal characteristics can help you find the best strategy to cater to their unique needs. As you continue with your customer service initiatives, you’ll learn more about customer segments and ways to win their hearts.

The Author


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