7 Tips for Keeping Your Drivers Safe on the Road

truck driver giving thumbs up

Driving is one of the most dangerous activities people do on a daily basis. In 2020 alone, more than 38,000 people died on U.S. roads alone. This is why business owners who have employees that drive as part of their job need to take extra precautions to ensure their safety.

Here are seven tips for keeping your drivers safe on the road:

Do a Thorough Background Check on All Potential Hires

Safety precautions should start with who you hire. When you’re hiring new drivers, be sure to run a complete background check that includes their driving records. Failure to do so could mean hiring someone with a DUI or other serious offense on their record.

Before hiring a new company driver, always check their:

  • Motor vehicle report (MVR)
  • Criminal background check
  • Employment history

Checking a potential driver’s MVR is the best way to gauge their safe driving habits. But because accidents and traffic violations don’t always show up on an MVR, it’s important to do a complete background check. It also helps to check their employment history to see if they’ve had any issues with previous employers. This will also allow you to talk to their references and get a feel for their character.

Invest in Driver Training Programs

After hiring the right people, make it a point to invest in their training. Even if your drivers have years of experience, there’s always room for improvement. The best way to ensure your drivers are up to date on the latest safety protocols is to invest in driver training programs. These programs will teach drivers how to avoid accidents, what to do if they get into an accident, and how to stay safe on the road.

Many driver training programs are available, so be sure to find one that fits your needs. You can even find online programs that drivers can complete at their own pace. This will also help them understand what you expect from them while on the job.

Create a Safe Driving Policy

Not all businesses have a safe driving policy for their drivers. However, if you want to keep your drivers safe, have one in place. This policy should outline what they need to observe while driving for the company and how they can handle different situations on the road.

Your safe driving policy should include:

  • A no-tolerance policy for drinking and driving
  • A no-phone policy while driving
  • Requiring drivers to take breaks as needed
  • How to handle aggressive drivers
  • What to do if they get into an accident
  • The consequences of breaking the policy

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Tracking your driver’s location and the route is easier than ever with technology. There are many GPS tracking devices and apps available that can help you monitor your drivers while they are on the job. This information can be helpful if one of your drivers gets into an accident or goes off course.

man holding and using GPS interface

Some GPS tracking devices will even send alerts if a driver is speeding or making sudden stops. This information can help you improve your driver’s safety on the road. Investing in the right tracking devices gives you peace of mind knowing that you can track your drivers and their vehicles at all times.

Another way to use technology to your advantage is to require drivers to take photos of the company vehicles before and after each trip. This way, you can document any accidents or incidents that occur while they are on the job.

Invest in Vehicle Maintenance

Keeping up with regular vehicle maintenance can help prevent accidents and breakdowns. Have a preventive maintenance program in place for all company vehicles. This will help you catch any issues before they become serious problems.

It’s also crucial to inspect each vehicle before each trip. Drivers should know how to check the oil level, tire pressure, and other basics. They should also know how to spot any potential problems. By doing this, you can avoid accidents and breakdowns caused by neglect or poor maintenance.

Provide Legal Assistance

If one of your drivers gets into an accident, you can do more than just help them cover the costs of their damages. You can also provide them with legal assistance. This will help ensure that they are protected in case of a lawsuit.

Be sure to have a lawyer on retainer who specializes in truck accidents. This way, you can get the best possible representation for your driver. You may even want to consider setting up a fund to help cover the

Having a law firm specializing in truck accidents on retainer will help ensure that drivers will have a reliable legal team to represent them in case of an accident. This will give you peace of mind knowing that your driver stays protected no matter what happens on the job. They can help your driver get the proper compensation if they get hurt because of the other driver’s negligence. Just make sure you find a reputable law firm with a good track record to aid your drivers in case of an accident.

Get the Right Insurance Coverage

Last but definitely not least, you must ensure that you have the right insurance coverage for your company vehicles. This will help protect your business in case of an accident.

For example, you should have liability insurance if one of your drivers gets into an accident and is at fault for the incident. This coverage will help pay for the other driver’s damages. This will help your driver avoid any financial burden if they are liable for the accident.

You should also have comprehensive insurance to cover any damages to your company vehicles, regardless of who is at fault. This will help you avoid paying out of pocket for repairs or replacements.

Make sure you understand all the different types of insurance available and choose the best coverage for your business. This way, you can be prepared in case of an accident.

Know that there are things you can do to prevent accidents and protect your drivers in case they do occur. This list outlines some of the best ways to use technology and the law to your advantage. Following these tips can help keep your drivers safe and your business protected.

The Author


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