Here’s How You Can Avoid Killing Your Digital Marketing Strategies

digital marketing

These days, we are experiencing a digital marketing gold rush. The pandemic strengthened the need for businesses of all industries to embrace digital marketing. This is the best way to make your brand stand out in the sea of businesses fighting over consumer’s attention. Failure to create an effective marketing strategy could mean a considerable amount of revenue loss. This is why it is crucial to keep your business updated with the latest digital marketing trends.

There are times when even popular household brands are losing the game against the smaller businesses. This only means the latter is doing their digital marketing right. Despite their position as a startup, their incredible digital marketing efforts are paying off, making them stand out from the crowd.

Sometimes, you are the very reason why you fail in marketing your brand online. Old habits die hard and it is very to make poor decisions even if you already know the consequences of each decision made. If you want to boost your digital marketing success, then you don’t want to commit the following mistakes.

Failure to Integrate Online and Offline Marketing Tactics

Having a robust online marketing strategy is not enough. This is especially true if you also run a brick-and-mortar brand. Since you could also need the additional foot traffic, it only makes that you find ways to complement your digital marketing efforts with your offline strategies.

For instance, you haven’t started mobile-optimizing your brand. Despite statistics showing more consumers are browsing via smartphones, you still haven’t mobile-optimized your website. You don’t have your own mobile app and haven’t even considered incorporating text messaging to support your digital efforts.

Today’s consumers are becoming increasingly dependent on mobile phones. It only makes sense that you try every possible channel you can reach customers through their mobile. This includes adopting a mobile marketing campaign, developing your own mobile app, and optimizing your website for mobiles.

Using text messages to deliver the right message to your customers is a great way to make the message more personal. There is also a need for you to have a reliable backup plan in case anything goes wrong with your campaign. This could mean knowing a reliable phone repair shop to fix corporate mobile phones asap or invest in a service that backs up all of your sent and exchanged messages with your customers for security reasons.

digital marketing

Trying Hard to Target All Kinds of Consumers

Businesses have their own niche, are under certain industries, and can cater to specific consumers. Chances are, your business can only cater to certain types of demographics. Trying to sell your product to everyone won’t help you land more sales in the process.

Some businesses try to widen their reach without truly knowing who their ideal consumers are. If you are still a small business, it is important that you know who your target audience is so you can narrow your search. This makes it easier to offer your products and services and avoid wasting resources on the wrong leads.

Remember that the main reason you are investing in digital marketing is to boost your revenue. You cannot optimize your search and end up with high-quality leads that convert if you are targeting everyone. Knowing who your ideal clients are makes it easier to improve your offers to better suit your target audiences’ needs.

Sending Out Email Campaigns Without Double Checking

In 2011, New York Times tried to win back individuals who canceled their subscriptions. To pique their interest and possibly turned these ex-subscribers into loyal customers again, NYT created an email campaign where they offered a discount to those who will renew their subscription.

Now, this could have been a great way to make their old subscribers reconsider their cancellation. But one employee chose the wrong email list to send the offer. Instead of the list of 300, the email was sent to about eight million subscribers.

Needless to say, many in their email list thought this was just spam mail. But for those who actually took their time to read the email, understandably, they got mad. This is since despite them being loyal customers, they were not offered the same discount.

One lesson we can all learn from NYT’s email mistake is to double-check everything before hitting the send button. You want to make sure the right customers will receive the right offers at the right time.

These are but three costly mistakes all online marketers need to avoid at all costs. To get the most out of your digital efforts, you can keep this list in mind. Integrate all efforts with your offline marketing. Target the right consumers. Don’t forget to ensure the accuracy of your campaigns before sending them out.

The Author


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