Three Challenges That Stop You From Growing Your Brand

a man in suit climbing

Entrepreneurs desire to create something new and innovative, be their own boss, and make a difference in the world. But after starting a business, you will quickly realize there is much more to running a successful company than just having a great ideaMany businesses start small, with just a few employees and a limited customer base. But as months and years go by, you may begin thinking about growing your brand. However, many challenges can prevent businesses from achieving this goal.

Here are some of the most common issues that can stop businesses from growing their brand and solutions to help you overcome them.

Failure to Establish Immediate Rapport With Customers

Building rapport is key to creating a positive experience in any customer service interaction. Rapport is the feeling of trust and understanding that develops between two people, and it’s essential for good customer service. Here’s why building rapport with your customers is crucial for business growth:

  • When customers feel like they have a rapport with you, they’re more likely to be patient and forgiving if there’s a problem with their order or service.
  • Customers who feel like they have a rapport with you are also more likely to be loyal and to recommend your business to others. 
  • When you have rapport with a customer, they’re more likely to give you honest feedback about their experience, which can help you improve your business.

However, many businesses fail to build rapport immediately, opting to hard-sell their products or services instead. This is often off-putting for potential customers. They may feel like they are being pressured into making a purchase.

If your team takes many customer calls each day, consider hiring a team of experts to handle welcome calls, live transfer leads, and customer service. Thankfully, many reliable telemarketing companies can provide this service for you. This way, you get to focus on other tasks while leaving the customer service to experts.

It makes sense to find a company that can also offer other professional services like lead generation and appointment setting services. These services can help you do just that by providing you with information about potential customers that can help you create an immediate connection. These can also help you save time by doing the legwork of identifying potential customers and scheduling appointments for you.

Lack of Engaging Content

As businesses increasingly move online, the need for engaging content has never been greater. Engaging content keeps users returning to a website or blog and in attracting new visitors in the first place. Search engines like Google also love fresh, original content, and they are more likely to rank websites higher that offer users a good experience.

content creation concept

According to a study, up to 79% of people scan online content. Only 16% of readers read content word-for-word. This shows that it’s critical to have content that is easy to scan and digest.

So what exactly makes for good, engaging content? There is no magic formula, but there are a few things that all great content has in common:

  • well-written and free of errors
  • interesting and informative, offering something that users will find valuable
  • presented in an attractive and easy-to-read format
  • have subheadings and bullet points to make it easy to scan

By ticking all of these boxes, you are well on your way to creating content that will help your business thrive. Creating a content calendar will help you achieve this goal. This document will help you plan and track the content you produce and make sure of its quality and consistency.

It can be helpful to appoint one person to be in charge your content calendar. This will make sure that everyone in your team knows what content you need created and when you need it published. This will also help prevent duplication of effort and ensure that your content is timely and relevant.

Lack of Capital to Grow the Business

Many businesses hit a growth plateau because they lack the capital to invest in new products, market expansion, or hiring more staff. This can be a frustrating position to be in, but one you can overcome.

One way to raise capital is to approach investors. This can be a good option if you have a solid business plan and can offer potential investors a good return on their investment. To find investors, consider searching online or attending relevant industry events.

One downside to approaching investors is that you may have to give up a significant amount of control to secure investment. This can be a problem if investors have different goals than the business owners. Additionally, businesses that take on investors may be subject to more scrutiny and may have to provide more information about their finances and operations.

Overall, approaching investors can be an excellent way to raise capital. Be aware of the potential downsides before pursuing this option. This will make it easier for you to decide what is best for your business.

These are just three common challenges you may face when trying to grow your brand. By being aware of these challenges and taking action to overcome them, you can increase your chances of success.

The Author


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