Effective Methods for Preventing a Panic Attack

stressed employee

Normally, anxiety is a normal part of our daily life and is the primary catalyst for us to get things done and work harder. But just like anything else in life, too much of something can have dire consequences. The same can be said when it comes to having too much anxiety. Panic and anxiety attacks are usually caused by a fight-or-flight response when adrenaline kicks in on the onset of anxiety.

Let’s face it: nobody wants to experience panic attacks, especially in an office environment when you’re expected to have a more professional demeanor. But other than just the workplace, anxiety and panic attacks can happen at any given moment and can sometimes be an embarrassing experience for a lot of individuals.

Fortunately, there are various ways of mitigating the likelihood of panic attacks and snapping out of that trance of anxiety. Here are some effective ways of keeping your calm and maintaining a good demeanor in public areas.

Do What Makes You Happy


First and foremost, it’s important to distract yourself from what’s giving you anxiety. Giving yourself a break, watching TV, or simply tuning yourself out from the world with some music is a great way of helping with anxiety and panic attacks. In some instances, most individuals focus on their work, which can help with the onset of panic attacks, especially knowing that you’re productive for the day.

Music Therapy

playing music instrument - guitar

Certain studies have shown that music therapy effectively prevents generalized anxiety disorders in different tests. If you’re looking for different ways of calming yourself from a panic attack, listening to some relaxing music can definitely snap you out from that trance.

Whether it’s going to a concert, learning a new instrument, or simply blastic away music on your headphones, music can have a variety of different benefits to your overall mental health and body. If you’re looking at learning an instrument or two or simply want your child to have a hobby, you might want to consider enrolling them in the music connection conservatory. Not only will this help with their anxiety, but this can also give them a fulfilling hobby to do.



You would be surprised by the wonders that exercise can do to your body. Not only will you be able to keep your anxiety in check and ridding yourself of “toxic” thoughts, but you’ll also keep yourself in good shape. Exercise is also a great way of releasing happy hormones such as serotonin and dopamine, which can help with your day-night cycle while making you feel “wholesome” for the rest of the day.

Low-impact exercises are already a good way of making progress. Thirty minutes of workout in a day isn’t much, but it can definitely make a difference.



This is a tried and tested method of calming one’s self and alleviating the level of anxiety. In most cases, meditation can help keep your mind clear and focused on what you want to do. Instead of focusing on “what-ifs,” you are essentially focusing on the present, which can help reduce the onset of anticipatory anxiety.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation is a great way of reducing long-term anxiety. Meditation is known for helping with the reactiveness of stress.

Anxiety can have various impacts on our lives, especially when we really need to get things done. Keeping your anxiety in check might seem like a daunting task, but it’s a necessary part of getting through life.

The Author


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