How to Be a Successful School Administrator

teacher and children

Being a successful school administrator takes more than just education. You need to be able to communicate with teachers and parents, as well as oversee the entire educational process. This position can be challenging and frustrating at times, but if you follow these steps and tips, you should find success in your job.

So, without further ado, here are some essential tips for becoming a successful school administrator:

1. Be Organized

A successful school administrator needs to make sure everything is organized and on schedule. If it isn’t, children don’t learn as effectively.

Being organized ensures that each child receives their own individual learning path. It also makes sure that teachers and parents receive the information they need, plus it helps with budgeting and scheduling.

2. Be a Leader

A successful school administrator needs to communicate effectively and be able to work as part of a team. You should know each student or teacher by name and be approachable.

It is important to make time for little one-on-one moments throughout the day, such as during lunch or after class because these small interactions can make a huge difference in your success as an educator.

3. Know Education Policy & Procedures

A successful school administrator needs to stay on top of changing education laws and regulations at both the state and federal levels.

For example, some states require specific types of school safety plans, so you need to be able to work closely with school staff to ensure students are safe. There are various companies offering school safety alert solutions, so you should try to find the best solution for your school.

4. Communicate Effectively with Teachers & Parents

A successful school administrator needs to be able to communicate effectively with teachers and parents. For example, you need to encourage teachers to get to know each child individually, so they can identify their specific learning styles and needs.

You should hold classroom meetings at least once a month so that students can ask questions and voice concerns.

5. Be Willing to Devote Time & Energy

Time is one of the most valuable resources, so don’t be afraid to devote time and energy to your students. You need to work long hours and weekends to see results.

If there is ever a problem with an individual student or class, you should be the first person to take action.

6. Follow up with Every Student & Parent

parent and child

A successful school administrator needs to follow up with every student and parent. For example, you need to be sure that everyone is on the same page regarding classwork, homework, extra-curricular activities, and field trips.

If there are any problems or concerns, you should address them as soon as possible so students can receive the most out of their education.

7. Hire the Right Staff Members

A successful school administrator needs to hire the right staff members. Before hiring anyone new, always run a background check and reference check first to make sure they are qualified for the job.

Ask yourself if this person is someone who will work well with your current staff? Will they treat students with respect, kindness, and empathy? If you hire the right staff members, your school will be a rewarding place for everyone involved.

8. Stay Current on Technology

Staying current on technology is another important aspect of being a successful school administrator. Various companies are offering cloud-based software that can keep parents up to date on their children’s grades, homework assignments, daily activities, absences, or any other personal notes from teachers.

You need to know what resources are available so you can share them with your staff and parents.

9. Attend Conferences & Workshops

A successful school administrator needs to attend conferences and workshops in order to network with other professionals in the field. Not only does this help you stay up to date on any new policies or procedures, but it helps build a strong support network.

You should also try to attend conferences and workshops hosted by your school district, state educational agency, local school administrators association, or even the National School Boards Association so you can find ways to improve your own practices at home.


Being a successful school administrator takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and time. However, if you follow the tips we have provided in this article, you will be well on your way to achieving great things. Remember to always stay current on technology, attend conferences and workshops, and hire the right staff members. Most importantly, never give up and continue to strive for excellence.

The Author


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