Employee Well-Being: How to Make Employees Feel Valued

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Workplace well-being programs have become more popular than ever. They started as mere employee perks for corporates, but today, these are becoming more common among businesses of all sizes. When done right, well-being programs offer employees incentives, social support, privacy, and different strategies to develop and maintain healthy behaviours.

Worksites worldwide are incorporating employee well-being programs thanks to lucrative results—so like how crucial it is to address Continuing Professional Development (CPD) psychology for the benefit of your business, consider establishing employee well-being programs.

Here are more reasons why you need to promote well-being in the workspace.

Reduced Absenteeism

Businesses have realised that preventing common problems associated with poor employee well-being like burnout, stress, and sickness was more profitable than reacting to all issues that already occurred. For instance, employees’ sedentary lifestyles can increase the possibility of them developing hypertension, diabetes, and other diseases—leading to more missed workdays. Offering employee well-being programs can prevent this from happening by ensuring each worker’s health is in top condition.

Increased Employee Engagement

More than 85% of businesses say that wellness programs support employee engagement a lot. That’s because when these programs get implemented, employees tend to feel more connected with their peers and the company, elevating health and their happiness—leading to better engagement, productivity, and eventually, profit. However, this often is influenced by employee recognition and providing positive feedback, so approach this holistically.

Improved Focus

Doing repetitive tasks every day can get old and draining to one’s mind, reducing employees’ level of concentration when working—and it’s at this point where you may find them sleeping during business hours or engaging in bad habits. Having employee health and well-being programs can help workers operate around the clock without getting distracted, improving their mindfulness by exercising and social engagement.

Better Employee Morale

Having terrible employee morale can affect the whole office environment’s pace of operations. That’s why keeping employee morale afloat is crucial, especially when you run larger companies. When you introduce employee well-being programs to your organisation, like mental health workshops or fitness competitions among workers, it can drastically improve employee morale.

More Appealing Employer Branding

In today’s employee market, finding the best talent can be challenging, and high-quality candidates often have many options when it comes to choosing their next employer. If you’re looking for new talent or want to keep your existing ones, it’s best to provide employee well-being benefits to attract the best candidates possible, ensuring success over time.

Improved Productivity

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Low employee productivity is when an individual is physically at work but isn’t working. It’s more known as employee ‘presenteeism.’ There are several reasons why this may happen, from employees not knowing what they’re doing to getting distracted by peers. However, in most cases, presenteeism occurs due to poor employee health. In essence, unhealthy individuals lose more productive work time than healthier peers.

When you implement well-being programs focusing on helping workers showing signs of presenteeism will eventually positively impact productivity.

If you wish to run and lead a successful business, you need to invest in the well-being of your organisation’s most valuable asset—your workers. Implementing health and wellness and programs at work keep your employees healthy, happy, and thriving alongside your company, ensuring success and long-term growth.

The Author


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